Coverage you need
All- Inclusive Coverage
We've got you and your family covered. Your premier membership will include coverage on your RV and all other personal vehicles (including motorcycles) — owned, rented, borrowed, or leased. Even if you are a passenger in another vehicle, we've got you covered. Best of all, our all-inclusive service means you do not need any other roadside assistance program.
24/7 Unlimited Road Service Coverage
Your premier membership protects you anywhere you go throughout the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Call toll-free anytime, day or night. Services include towing, flat tire assistance, fluid delivery, jump-starts lockout service, mobile mechanic, appointment assistance and much more.
24/7 RV Technical Assistance Hotline
RV trained representatives and certified technicians are ready to assist you by guiding you through many common technical and operational issues you may experience. So whether you are new to the RV lifestyle or a seasoned veteran, the hotline will provide valuable peace of mind coverage wherever you go.
Global Emergency Services
This valuable member benefit alleviates many obstacles and potential expenses created by medical emergencies away and potential expenses created by medical emergencies away from home. Services include Emergency Medical Evacuation, Hospital Admission Assistance and much more! Not only is the benefit included at no additional cost to membership, Assist America arranges and pays for all of the assistance services it provides without limits on the covered cost.
Service you want.
- Emergency Roadside Assistance
- GPS Locator Technology
- Direct to Campsite Service
- Nationwide Tire Delivery Service
- Certified RV Technical Assistance Hotline
- Emergency Trip Interruption
- Trip Planning
- Global Emergency Services
- By Assist America
- Concierge Services
- Discounts
- Hotel/Motel
- Vehicle Rental
- Camping
- RV Insurance
- RV Products and Lifestyle Accessories
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