We here at Plattsburgh RV Store have a deep appreciation for our nation’s veterans. They make up our community all the way down to our neighbors on the site next door at the campground, and even a portion of our staff here at the dealership. So we know all too well that veterans often return home bearing the invisible scars of service. These scars can manifest in various ways, including post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and even traumatic brain injury or physical disability. While traditional therapies can certainly be helpful, we’ve found many of our veteran customers find a different type of solace and healing in the open road. RVing offers veterans a unique opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, reconnect with nature, and find peace.
The Freedom of the Open Road
For veterans, RVing represents freedom. It’s a chance to break free from the constraints of their past and forge their own path. The open road beckons them to explore new places, meet new people, and create lasting memories. Moreover, the self-sufficiency required for RVing can empower veterans to regain control over their lives.
Connecting with Nature
Nature has a profound healing effect on the mind and body. For veterans struggling with PTSD and other mental health challenges, spending time in nature can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and boost mood. RVing allows veterans to immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world, whether it’s camping in a serene forest or hiking through a stunning national park.
Camaraderie and Support
The RVing community is nothing if not welcoming and supportive. Veterans especially often find solace in connecting with others who share their experiences and understand their struggles. Events like RV rallies and shows as well as campground organizations like KOA and our very own Blue Haven Campground provide a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping veterans feel less alone.
Tips for Veterans New to RVing
If you’re a veteran new to RVing, here are a few tips to help you get started:
- Do your research: Start by researching different types what types of RVs and RVing destinations fit your needs. Consider your budget, lifestyle, and travel preferences.
- Start with short trips: Don’t feel pressured to take long trips right away. Start with short weekend trips to get comfortable with both using and enjoying your rig.
- Relax and enjoy the journey: RVing is all about relaxation and enjoying the journey. Don’t stress about making it to your destination on time. Take your time and savor the experience.