- 4 ears corn on the cob, still in husks
- 2 tablespoons butter
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- freshly cracked black pepper, optional
- Preheat a grill to medium-high (~400F) or start a campfire so you will have embers to work with.
- Cut the silk ends off the corn and remove any floppy pieces of husk.
- Place the corn, still in the husks, directly on the grill grate.
- Cook for 20-25 minutes, rotating frequently so that the corn cooks evenly.
- Remove from the heat and set aside for a few minutes to cool. Remove the husks and silk. If you want to add a little color, place the corn directly on the grill for 15-30 seconds on each side.
- Serve with butter, salt, and freshly cracked pepper. Enjoy!
Source : Fresh off the grid