Keeping the Bugs Away

Wild and untamed, the outdoors can be a tricky place to maneuver, especially when it comes to its smallest inhabitants – bugs. However, don’t let these little critters scare you away from an unforgettable vacation. There are tons of ways you can keep bugs away while camping which will not only prevent these pesky critters from leaving behind itchy bites or swarming around your food, but it will also keep you and your family safe – remember, some mosquitoes and other biting insects carry disease. Don’t let bugs bug you when there’s a way to fight back.


One of the most useful techniques used to keep bugs off is conventional bug sprays or creams. Even if you use it as a last line of defense, it’s a good idea to keep some traditional bug spray handy just in case the mosquitoes get out of hand. Apply it to your clothes, shoes and hat in the morning before you get dressed, and be sure to avoid breathing any in.


With the rise in popularity of essential oils, these concentrated herb or plant extracts are easier than ever to come by. In fact, you may already have some around the house. There are many different essential oils with bug-repelling properties that offer a natural alternative to the heavy chemicals in traditional bug sprays. Although you can apply essential oil-based concoctions directly to the skin, it’s better to spray it on your clothes, especially if you have sensitive skin. Mix these in a spray bottle along with a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, half a cup of natural witch hazel and half a cup of water. Give your bottle a good shake before spraying, as the oil and water mixture will always tend to separate. This concoction offers a natural way to keep those critters away while you’re camping. Depending on which oils you use, you may enjoy the scent, too.


We tend to enjoy a good meal by the fire when we camp, it’s only natural. And while we may cozy up to a warm, fragrant meal by the crackling blaze – the insects certainly don’t. Cooking fragrant foods such as onions, garlic, and peppers fill the air with the scents and fumes of both natural bug repellents – and delicious ingredients! In conjunction with the pungent odors, the heat and smoke from the fire deters the little buggers even further. 

Whether it’s flies, bees or especially mosquitoes, bugs don’t have to ruin your camping trip with these tips and tricks to keep them far away from you and your campsite. Many of these methods are only appropriate for outdoor activities, like camping, and others are natural methods you can implement into your daily life, as well. When thinking about which bug-prevention method is right for you, be sure to consider a few things unique to your situation – such as whether they’re appropriate for kids, sensitive skin or allergies.

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